



The Ke Mei Company was established in 1998, The name before is Zhong Ying Tape Firm.
Our company is the agent of 3M industrial tape and glue,and the industrial tape from TAIWAN FOUR PILLARS .
We have the good position of native providing products, Customers can have the JIT rule and the cost is equal to zero. our service is convenient and high speed, and we can make all kinds of processing according to customers' needs. providing a better way of buying the materials from native lands for a lot of inner companies and foreign investment companies eg: from TAIWAN
Our basic philosophy "providing stable quality products, serving customers with diligence, creditability moral", Focusing on being the all customers' s excellent vendor in the relative electronic line.
Our sales are developing all right applying for 3M 、FOUR PILLARS and all customers' love and our workers' diligence. in the future, in order to express our thank, We will try our best to provide the right products and create more service to you all.

地 址: (Add) 深圳市龍華鎮大浪村同勝同富裕工業區7棟3-4樓
電 話: (Tel) 0755-28179366
傳 真: (Fax) 0755-28179588
郵 箱: (E-mail): kemei@kemei-e.com
網 站: (Website:) http://www.kemei-e.com
地址: (Add) 無錫市北塘區北大街27號匯利廣場1303#
電話: (Tel) 0510—82264181 82264115
傳真: (Fax) 0510—82264180
E-mail: kemei@kemei-e.com
聯系人: (Website:) 程遠錫 手機:13928478302
